Five questions before you prepare for exams

Five questions before you prepare for exams

First of all, ask yourself these questions..

Are you using your time perfectly ?
Do you have a perfect schedule of time-table?
Do you have covered all your syllabus?
Are you confident or overconfident ?
Do you practice everyday for writing speed ?

Now, you have answered all of these questions politely. Therefore, I am going to you the real truth behind these questions.

The first question is most important for everyone. See this equation -
1 minute = 60 seconds
60 minute = 1 hour
24 hour = 1 day
365 days = 1 year
Life span = minimum 65 years
If you waste your 5 hours daily then it would be 118625 hours in 65 years which means 13.5 years.
This is not good to waste 13.5 years of your life in unused things. consider this equation before you go to waste your time.

The second question is also important. Do you know the secret behind all successful people ?
They follow the time-table. They know that what should they do at what time. Let me explain it to you. If you have paper tomorrow and you are going to prepare today. Do you believe that you will cover everything ? Hence, you should draft a suitable time-table for you and follow it.

The third question is important for students. If you have not covered your syllabus then do it now. If you have covered your syllabus then practice it because all of you know very well - "practice makes a man perfect". 

Now, I am going to explain the importance of fourth question to you.  There is no more difference between confidence and overconfidence. But confidence will follow you to your success and overconfidence will follow you till your fall. SO, believe on yourself and be confident but don't be overconfident.

The last question is for writing-speed. You know very well that you have to attempt your all questions in given time. If you are in 12th class then you have three hours to cover all your questions. I am giving you  an example.
There are 35 questions in political Science paper.
3:00 hours
one mark questions - 10
two marks questions - 10
four marks questions - 10
six marks questions - 5   
Therefore, prepare for exam with writing speed. 

Thanks for reading it. 


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