Note - making

                                                                  SAH ACADEMY
                                                    THE PROCESS OF NOTE-MAKING
                                                            ENGLISH 12TH CLASS

First, you have to know the marking scheme of note-making.
1. Title – 1 mark
2. Headings – 2 marks
3. Subheadings- 1 mark
4. Abbreviation- 1 mark
5. Summary- 3 marks
Total – 8 marks

There are some steps which can help you in note-making.
First step- read the passage twice and get the meaning in the passage
Second step- choose your abbreviation
Third step- list out your five points or headings
Fourth step- list out your subheadings
Fifth step- write the summary

The process of abbreviation –
Erase all the vowels from the word.
Ex – school – schl, morning- mrng etc.

                                                 FORMAT OF NOTE-MAKING


1. First heading ……………..
                 1.1 points
                 1.2 points
                 1.3 points
                             a. sub-point (if there is any sub-point)
                             b. sub-point

2. Second heading …………..
                2.1 points
                2.2 points
                2.3 points
3. Third heading ……………..
                3.1 points
                3.2 points
                3.3 points
4. fourth heading …………….
               4.1 Points
               4.2 points
5. Fifth heading ……………….
              5.1 points
              5.2 points
              5.3 points

Used Abbreviation


